
31 maggio 2012

I'm here again

Hello? Or should I say "I'm back?"... I always end up on my (ever new) blog at the end of may seeking for new stuff to be said when actually my entire day is spent on books... and not fairytales-related ones.
So I'm honest with you who-ever reader, I'm not sure I'm gonna keep my self on with this writing commitment, but anyway I'm trying.

So, let's start.
You don't know me, I don't know you and that's the best part of it. I can tell you everything without being emotionally or realistically involved in something you actually don't care or don't want to be involved into. Wow.
'Cos, the mainstay of 90% relationship is "don't care what the other expects from you, you are more important than the concept of us". Are you kidding me? Are you admitting you're a damn absolute friendship monster?
That's how it ended with my bestfriend, who independently and subtly decided not to talk with someone related  to me for a long time. Ok, it's 3 years now, but I HAVE to see her everyday in college and that's the annoying thing since she sought to rely on some kind of memory melancholy to keep my friendship back... but I was already out, I couldn't make anything different. You punched me out, I forgot our best days, I'm sorry (stupid) girl.

I dare say I'm a commemorative person, not in the sense of 4th of July parades, but in the meaning of a kind of everlasting melancholic state by which you'll never gonna be thrown out of my mind for any reason. Did we stay together? I'll remember it forever and my heart will beat every long lasting second I'll feel your aura in the air. With needed exceptions of course.
Oh well, you own this prerogative. I mean you and only you with this word, right?

Second to say, I'm all in studying stuff, well define me as a geek a nerd or whatever, but I'm profoundly pleasured by culture and all its manifestations. And it's here you're wrong.
With this I mean art, paintings, illustrations, novels, magazines, clothes, postcards, compositions, and so on. Did you get the point?
I can spend my whole day on a medical stuff book (yeah, that's what I'm into in college) and sew a new dress at night, only 'cos my mind needs it!
That's wonderful and I'm totally pleased with myself, arranging my time as I need it, never looking for absolutely-need-of-others-presence to be ok.

I mean, obviously I have me lovely friends, my cute boyfriend, my family, my dog and cats, but most of the time I'm happier by myself with nobody telling me how we could spend My beloved hours.

I'd like to spend my entire night talking to you my dear whoever reader, but my eyes claim for their blankets to be tucked.

Keep in touch next time,
xxx swingingdays